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Hi, it would be nice if you could extend it to walk in four directions for a top down RPG game. Also, an fire breath attack animation would be gorgeous. Any plans for any of this?

(1 edit)

i am needing a front and back walking added to what you have, already.  Do you happen to have that as well, and how much more do you need for the package?

i have been wanting this for a few years, but am, hopefully ready to implement my mithril dragon, ingame... am hoping you have what i need.

Not really clear what's the content  of the download... can you please provide more info on delivered products?

Hello, the .zip file contains two folders (small size and original) of 11 sub-folders (one per animation), and there's around 50-150 frames in .PNG format in every animation folders.

Deleted 5 years ago

Hello, can you tell me more about your project ? you can PM me on Twitter

Deleted 5 years ago

No sorry :(

Lovely. Can you do more huge enemies boss types such as : Demon/Devil, Spider, Lion, or even humanoids in the same art style/animation?

Yes ! I will do more creatures, with time :)